Saturday, May 11, 2013

Twitter Wars: Celebrity Feuds

In class we discussed and had a presentation given about cyber bullying, and the detrimental effects they can have on those being bullied.  Serious consequences have resulted from cyber bullying such as suicide.  As cyber bullying and the use of internet to hurt others has grown, I have realized that celebrities are a big influence on this sort of behavior.  Every week there is a new story in the headlines about celebrities feuding on Twitter.  Millions of fans of these celebrities will follow these twitter wars just to see who gets the last word.  It is essentially a dissing contest.  If that does not portray a loss of in-depth and critical thinking in America, I don't know what does.  Some of my favorite celebrities have engaged in twitter wars, such as Shaq, Lebron James, and Frank Ocean.  There are hundreds of articles online revolved around twitter feuds.  They are easy to read, short, soft news that people can easily gain access to.  I will admit that sometimes these twitter disses are very entertaining and have a fun nature to them.  But I wonder if a message is being sent to people that it's okay to just go bashing people on the internet.  Either way, the twitter wars will carry on in our celebrity obsessed culture.  Hopefully people lost interest in them sometime soon.  Underneath I will post some links and picture that relate to this topic.

(Niko Prassas)

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