Monday, May 13, 2013

Positive affects of social and digital media

So a good friend of mine, Joe Santagato was always known to be the kid who can make you piss your pants, and he lived up to that fully. One day, while at my lakehouse he decided to record everything we did and put it up on facebook, twitter, and tumblr. In a short time, his inbox and news feed was blowing up, everyone thought he was hilarious. He decided to create his own Youtube channel and put videos of himself on a weekly basis. A short time after, he is basically “youtube famous.” He has millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Clubs and companies comtact him to show face just so they can raise some money. It is quite incredible how these websites were the reason why he has fans all around the world and why he has been so successful. It just goes to show what kind of impact social media and digital media could have on ones life.

If you would, check out his youtube channel

(Nick Alvarez)

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