Friday, May 3, 2013

Gun Control Debate

Gun control has always been a sensitive issue in the United States, especially in the past few years with the increasing number of shootings in public places like schools and movie theaters.  These shootings have sparked major political debates on whether or not gun control laws should be stricter.  Guns have been a part of American culture since the writing of the Constitution, which prompts many people to say that the government has no right to regulate how guns are bought and sold.  However, these public shootings can’t be ignored for much longer.  Other countries have faced the same circumstances and have simply restricted guns more.  An example can be found in Australia, where, after a mass shooting, enacted strict laws against guns.  The result?  Not a single mass shooting since.  In my opinion, it should be that simple but in the United States any potential progress seems to have been made unnecessarily difficult.  Linked here is a clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart where one of the correspondents travels to Australia to see if the United States can learn anything from them on gun control.

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