Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mountain Dew Racist Commerical?

Mountain Dew had a new commercial today but then quickly removed it from airing. The ad was criticized for being racist. The ad features a goat along with black prisoners who are being in jail. There, the cops along with a victim who happened to be a Caucasian blonde lady was trying identified her attacker. There the goat was along 5 African Americans who were all dressed in Doo rags and made seem as thugs. The goat was also portrayed as a "gangster". He would talk like keep your mouth shut, I'm going to do ya when I get out," "ya better not snitch on a playa'," and "snitches, get stitches, fool." These words were seem as racists and playing on the stereotypes of African Americans. However, some people see this ad as harmless and is just an ad that is trying to sell its product. When looking into this ad, i do find it offensive to some viewers. The ad is portraying the stereotypical views of African Americans. Why couldn't the prisoners be white or why couldn't the officers be white? This is the puzzling part. If the ad featured white officers but black prisoners, would the ad still be racists? It is up to the viewers to decide. If anything, the ad will still bring up controversy. What  do you think? Is it racists or are people overreacting?

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