Sunday, May 12, 2013

Advertising on Pinterest

Check out this link!!!

As an avid pinterest user,  I spend a pretty substantial  amount of time looking at my boards and getting ideas from other users. In recent weeks I have noticed companies using pinterest as a new format of advertisement. This in itself is not surprising at all! I mean, look at Facebook, youtube, and even Hulu. All of these social media sites are bombard us with "buy this, and buy that!!!" I hate it! Nothing is worse than trying to show a friend a funny animal video on youtube but first having to sit through a 90 second advertisment about laundry detergent! It feels like such a waste of time!!! I know this is just a stupid "1st world problem" but it really is an annoyance. Surprisingly, advertisements found on pinterest seem to be incorporated very well! As a user, I am actually interested in some of the products advertised. For example, victoria secret has a great pinterest account. Every day they post new products in the "women's fashion" category with links to their site. Just yesterday I saw a cute outfit and bought it. The companies using pinterest have locked in on their demographic  and are displaying their products in a way that doesn't feel pushy. I know that Victoria Secret advertised something to me a I went for it but, somehow I feel as if I came to the decision on my own. That right there is the key to social media advertisements. Advertising though pinterest is going to be a gold mine.

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