Sunday, May 12, 2013

Charles Ramsey, viral interview

A Different kind of Youtube Sensation?

Recently I was just relaxing at my house and got a text from one of my close friends. He texted me asking if I saw the interview with Charles Ramsey? I initially thought to myself I have no idea who Charles Ramsey is and then typed his name into youtube. By the type I typed in Charles, his name was popping to spacebar. I was thinking either he was a professional athlete, or maybe a musician and then I saw he was your ordinary adult. I watched his video and he basically just sounds uneducated throughout his interview as he discusses how he found kidnapped children. The views on this video were through the roof and it actually seemed like a similar sensation as the Antoine Dodson was earlier this year. Both Charles and Antoine had interviews regarding serious matters and because they sounded a little bit funny and peculiar they became automatic sensations to the world and incredibly popular. My issue regarding this is I feel it's unbeleivable how people who sound uneducated and just weird to an extent get all this popularity, meanwhile either the kidnapping, or victims of these crimes are barely recoginzed. It's truly incredible how Youtube can help make professional singers careers skyrocket (Justin Beiber), and can help people around the world recognize whats going on, and now in these situations just get people sounding funny noticed. I just wish sometimes people would take into consideration the serious matters going on in the world like world news, rather than the mockery seen here.

(Steve Morse)

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