I found this website a few weeks ago and I think that people would really like it. The site is called The A.V Club and it has a lot of different articles on everything about pop culture; including books movies and music. The interesting thing about the website, however, is that it is published by the fake news site The Onion. While The Onion is widely known for their satirical take on pop culture with a lot of darker humor, this site is very much the opposite. The A.V Club’s articles are pretty much editorials ranging from strange reviews to looking at the deeper message of pop culture pieces. At first it was difficult for me to believe that something so ‘straightforward’ would be coming from The Onion. The site has since become one of my favorites. The huge range of topics and large cast of writers makes every article stand out and fun to read. Not only are they well done, these articles are all relatable to our everyday lives and even this class. http://www.avclub.com/
(Kevin Ross)
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