Following September 11th I was still very young so I simply thought what I was being told by the television and my parents was true about the attacks. Then years down the line I began hearing that it may have been a conspiracy theory. I didn’t pay much attention to it because I thought it seemed a little far fetched though. Then I began looking at a lot of things throughout the years the other day. The Sandy hook shooting, and even now the Boston marathon bombing has conspiracy threories behind them. In my eyes I don’t only find these theories ridiculous but I also find them offensive. There ridiculous because the pieces don’t all fit together, and offensive to think our government would be wanting our country to be put in such travesty. These theories are created by people, then put onto the internet and then spread throughout people all over the world. People see this, then believe it, and then spread it to friends and family, only problem is it has false information. Here is an example from the Daily Mail.
(Steve Morse)
Personally, I do not believe that life is a conspiracy theory. It is frustrating to listen to those who's only argument is that the government is out to get us! I guess if you try hard enough you can convince yourself of anything.