Monday, March 4, 2013

Slide Shows: How News Sites Get us to Keep Clicking

The "slide show" is a common technique used on news websites these days; sometimes they're composed of a series of photographs, sometimes a list of tips, sometimes a group of connected images or stories. This one draws on the interest in the story of a sinkhole near Tampa that swallowed up a man who was sleeping in his bed. The sinkhole story also has its own slide shows.


  1. I believe this is a pretty effective way for the news stations to keep us interested. As I go through these slide shows I am captivated by the photos and then for the average person going through them, they keep the sentences to a minimum making it so we only have to read a small caption. This makes it easier to keep us informed on things going on.

  2. More often than not the use of slideshows is to showcase the top stories that are present on a site. Their intentions are to visually attract the interest of the reader, in hopes of getting them to click their link to the story. It is true that we are more likely to click on a story that has both a catchy title AND an intriguing picture. Their main goal is to increase their exposure by attracting the most readers, and this is a fantastic way to do so. It also provides a better overview for the reader of what they're potentially going to be reading about.

    -Alex Bopp
