Thursday, March 7, 2013



  1. Clearly, taking the photo was the best option!

  2. Jeremy Strahan

    "But officer, I thought to acquire evidence to prove that it was, in fact, a camel murder. I knew I had no chance facing down such a heinous criminal!"

    "You had help within shouting distance. In fact, a different witness actually called us in."

    "But how would you *know*? How could you trust them without my beautiful evidence? He will be avenged!"

    "Also, the camel was behind a fence, and has less reach then your arms."

    "Ooooh, but how do YOU know that? Camels are crafty creatures officer, just waiting to strike! I mean, look at this picture! This masterful picture that will surely get me a a hundred million views on the internet!"

    "'re under arrest."

  3. I do not understand why someone would be taking a photo of a boy getting eaten by a camel instead of actually helping the boy. Society has gotten to be only considered with themselves and not helping someone in need. They sit back and watch as horrible events unfold and not do a thing about it. It amazes me how a parent of the child can sit back and think "oh let me take a picture of my son getting eaten by a camel and post it real quick to a social network instead of helping right away." It is crazy how more people today, sit back and do nothing when something tragic happens. People need to learn to take charge and actually help someone instead of taking a picture to show the world.

    -Allie Starke
