Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rachel Maddow on fire!

Last night Rachel Maddow did an amazing segment to open her show on conspiracy theorists. You can view it in its entirety here.


  1. After watching this in class, I decided I needed to watch more. Conspiracy theories always bothered me due to the fact that people are LOOKING for something to be worse in bad situations. Now knowing that people make money off of these theories, I am even more disgusted. That motivates these people to pull these theories out of thin air, just to make a buck, meanwhile people actually become affected by these theories. I will make a post later talking about the Newtown conspiracy video, and how people actually believed in the content. The content of conspiracy theories never really change what happened in the event. But why does it even matter WHO did the act of terror when all is said and done? The act of terror still resulted in a lot of injuries/deaths whether Joe Schmo did it, Al Queda did it, or "the government did it." It's important to find out who did these things so we can catch the culprit, but if matters are already dealt with, why try to make it worse by pointing more fingers (9/11, Boston, Newtown, etc)? I don't know; maybe I'm BLIND, and should pour out the change in my pockets onto this growing industry of bullshit. (Excuse the language haha)

  2. I have a who believes in all these conspiracy theories. When it comes to to the this matter he is a complete idiot and he is so adamant about the 9/11 bombings being fake. I am going to show him this video and hopefully he can read the books and they can slap some sense into him
