Friday, April 26, 2013

Fourth Grader writes on gay marriage, goes viral...

Recently in the media, there has been a letter that was written by a fourth grader that went viral. The guidelines that the child was given for the paper was only that it was supposed to be persuasive, and they could choose whatever topic they wanted. This fourth grader boldly chose gay marriage as his topic. This topic is one that has always seemed to obvious to me, yet despite many conservative views, there hasn’t been complete gratification with making gay marriage legal across the country. With this lack of progress comes a lot of frustration. When this young child was writing his essay on such an important topic, his solution for the stagnant progress is really refreshing. He says, “"Why gay people should be able to get married is you can't stop two adult's from getting married because there grown and it doesn't matter if it creeps you out just get over it. And you should be happy for them because it's a big moment in their life. When I went to my grandparents wedding it was the happies moment." His teacher read his essay and put it on their reddit account, where then it went viral across all social media websites, even news stations like ABC. People are amazed that a young child could have such a simple view on gay marriage. Frankly, I feel that this is a view that many people in the gay community or people who are in favor of gay marriage have stated. Where their comments have been swept under the rug, it makes me question if this child’s words will be also. This has the potential, if it gains enough steam, to catch Washington’s attention and (hopefully!!) finalize equal-marriage rights in the United States.  You can view a picture of the essay here.

(Alex Bopp)

Conspiracy theory? (Video link)

Hey Class,
            So I came across this video online, not sure if anyone has watched it yet. I just thought it was interesting and should share it with you all. The video takes about how it is possible that the whole Sandy Hook was made up and planned by the government.
            After watching this video a whole lot of questions came to mind whether or not I should believe it or not. It makes me question is if I should believe it or not. I feel at times media makes us gullibly and we easily believe what they are telling us; its strange how one day media could talk about something and we automatically just believe it and a couple months later something else comes out and it could change our mind completely.
            One of the reasons people believe that it was made up was so that people would be in favor of the gun control act that the government wants to pass. But my question is why go through so much and put fear in the country all because of an act that the government wants to pass.
I came across this statement from someone on Facebook: "Everyone fears terrorist, when they should be in fear of the government. I'm convinced that everything done is inside job. Sometimes I think that the people in today’s society lose focus and lose out on the important things that we should focus on. I believe that media plays a major role in what we believe and how we view certain things. So I think its important that we should be very careful what we watch and how quickly we are to believe it." I think thats how that now a days this is how society feels, and wanted to know how the class felt about it.

Rosemary Owuo

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pink Moon: tonight!

Tonight's full moon is known as the Pink Moon...
Nick Drake approves.

More conspiracy...(Dana Krogman)

As I promised, here is the post about the Newtown, Connecticut Conspiracy. The video is a half an hour long, and contains what I believe to be disturbing content. Believe what you’d like, but be skeptical of what’s shown. I think it’s honestly just someone trying to get a rise out of people. It was difficult to get through since, to me, most of the evidence doesn’t really add up. The videos clips all seem cut and edited, and most of the things that are circled in the video could be disputable. I could continue to talk about this, but I don’t want to give away too much. See the video for yourselves, and please comment on this, because it’s actually really interesting. Click this link for the conspiracy video! 

-Dana Krogman

Rachel Maddow on fire!

Last night Rachel Maddow did an amazing segment to open her show on conspiracy theorists. You can view it in its entirety here.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

TV No More?

Growing trend: TV-less households that nevertheless contain people who watch plenty of TV. How is this possible? Will it continue? Will the loss of cable revenue affect programming? Read more here.